Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Like Contemporary Romance? You'll Love Securing the Handyman's Heart!

Hi, Readers! I really want to introduce you to a friend and fellow writer--well, we used to be critique partners until life got crazy--Katie Clark, who has written a lovely contemporary romance called Securing the Handyman's Heart.

I am confident that you will love this sweet romance between a rather shy but conscientious handyman and a sweet and slightly clumsy bakery owner who specializes in cupcakes. My 15-year-old daughter and I both loved it! And it just released TODAY! So get it while it's hot! (So to speak.) 😊 Also, just as a warning, you may have a distinct craving for strawberry lemon cupcakes after reading it! 

KATIE CLARK started reading fantastical stories in grade school and her love for books never died. Today she reads in all genres; her only requirement is an awesome story! She writes inspirational romance as well as young adult speculative fiction, including her YA supernatural novel, Shadowed Eden, as well as The Enslaved Series. You can connect with her at her website, on Facebook, or on Twitter.
Katie Clark

Hi Melanie! Thank you so much for hosting me. I’m so excited to introduce Securing the Handyman’s Heart to the world, and I’m looking forward to sharing all about it!

Q. What inspired you to write Securing the Handyman’s Heart?
            A. This might sound a little cooky (is that a word?!), but I get a LOT of my ideas from dreams. One day I dreamed of this girl who was so frustrated because her longtime, on again-off again boyfriend wouldn’t commit already. The more I thought about the dream, the more real the idea became—and I could see the hilarious potential in the story!

Q. What, if anything, do you and your heroine have in common?
            A. Kayla, my heroine, has lots of things in common with me. We both love to bake. We both love fantastic and hunky handymen (yes, my husband can fix anything!). And we both really just want to do what’s right by the world.

Q. Which character in your new release did you most enjoy writing? Why?
            A. Lou Ann, Kayla’s best friend, was a hoot to write! She is quirky and crazy and fun. In fact, book 2 will be all about her!

Q. What smell do you love most, and why?
            A. This will come as no surprise, but I love baking scents. Vanilla, cinnamon, cookie scents, fruity pie scents
you get the point!

~Katie, please share a verse of scripture that is especially meaningful to you, and why it is special.

Life it tough. Very, very tough. I like how Securing the Handyman’s Heart isn’t the typical “head over heels” romance (though there’s definitely lots of romance!), because sometimes in real life things just don’t work that way. We don’t always get our happy endings exactly the way we’d thought they would happen, you know? My favorite verse these days is Psalms 121:1-2, “I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help. My help cometh from the Lord, which made heaven and earth.” Our help and our hope is in God alone—not relationships, not jobs or presidents or money. Only God.  He is our help (and I’m so thankful, because He is faithful!).

Local cupcake queen Kayla Dobbs is feeling the heat—just as her bakery is finally taking off, her retired parents start pressuring her to move to Florida. Determined to prove her success, she takes on extra work at the bakery and fibs a little about the depth of her love life. When her mother announces an upcoming visit to meet the lucky guy, Kayla makes a pact with her friends to get a proposal from George Marks, town handyman extraordinaire. The problem is, George seems totally indifferent.

George Marks has enough on his plate with running his business, taking care of an ailing but feisty grandmother, and the possibility of a new business venture on the horizon. But when bumping into Kayla becomes a strangely routine thing, he’s surprised to realize it has also become the highlight of his days. As business spirals out of control and Granny takes a turn for the worse, he’s sure he made one too many commitments.

With a dash of matchmaking granny and a pinch of secret cupcake recipe, Kayla and George find themselves in one messy kitchen. But will they find themselves in love?
*Buy it now on Amazon, iTunes, Kobo, and more!