I want to tell you about my friend, Sandi Rog. Last week her very first book, The Master's Wall, was released. The book has gotten rave reviews from published authors such as Robert Liparulo, and is said to be one of the best, if not THE best, Christian novel set in ancient Rome. But unfortunately, Sandi was not able to really enjoy her book's debut last week.
For a while, Sandi had been feeling really awful. She deals with MS and all the dread and physical problems that brings, so she believed her fatigue and dizziness was caused by the MS. However, her doctor put her in the hospital on the day Sandi's book came out and discovered she has a brain tumor. And a few days later, they confirmed that it is cancerous.
I want to ask you all to consider purchasing Sandi's book, The Master's Wall. I have known Sandi through ACFW and a very active writers' loop that we both participate in, HIS Writers, for writers of Christian historicals with exotic settings. I know Sandi to be a sweet, loving person and a very dedicated wife, mom, and writer. She loves the Lord and wants her life to glorify Him. And I desperately am praying for her healing. I ask you also to pray for her healing, and for her continued good spirits as she goes through treatment, chemo and radiation. Please pray for her family, too, her husband and four children. Sandi has been through a lot in her life, and I am praying for God's power and mercy to give her a miracle. Please join me in this.
And if you want to do more than pray, another way to help Sandi is to purchase her book. You can get it from Amazon.com here,
and it is also available on Kindle.
Her publisher is DeWard Publishing Company. Daniel DeGarmo of DeWard Publishing Company issued this statement:
...My business partner and I have agreed to donate an
additional $1 per book to a Fund that I'll be setting up this week.
Just so no one thinks we are being shady about the whole deal, this is above
and beyond the royalties that Sandi (and her agent) is already incurring
with every book sold.
The purpose of this fund is to help out Sandi's family (husband and
children) while she is laid up fighting for her life.
What I need from you is simply spread the word. For every copy of "The
Master's Wall" that is sold (including Kindle) we will donate $1 to this
I'll also be setting it up so that it can receive regular donations if
anyone is interested in just helping out financially.
As soon as I have more information on this, I will let you know.
Please pray for Sandi! The Bible says God is the healer. He is "the God of compassion." He is merciful and "longs to give good gifts to his children." Pray with me that God, in his mercy and wisdom, will give the gift of healing to Sandi.
Thank you.
This whole thing just breaks my heart! I was so excited to hear of Sandi getting her first contract. This is one of those times that really tests the faith, but she sounds very strong. Anyway, thanks for helping spread the word. I just purchased a copy for my Kindle and two print copies for Christmas presents.
This was a beautiful write-up, Melanie. Very succinct and touching. I'm praying!
She will definitely be in my prayers.
I just found you through some browsing around; I love historical fiction and any books with a solid Christian world view. I look forward to reading yours!
I am going to offer you all a word of encouragement. Our Board Member at church had a brain tumor several years ago while my girls were still at home and God brought him through it. He is fine now with no problems. I wanted to come on her and pray for Sandi. I do not know her or you. I just found out about your book on another website. I'd love to review it.
Anyway. We are all one in God.
Father I come to you today for Sandi Rog. I pray for a healing of not only her brain but the MS she deals with. You are still the great physican. You can still heal today. I pray for miracles in her life physically, financially, and emotionally. In Jesus name, Amen
jrs362 at hotmail dot com
Hi, Melanie! I came to your blog to ask if ACWF group is still discussing your book. I just got my copy in the mail yesterday, but now it looks like its too late to participate.
Anyway, I want you to know that I just bought Sandi's book on my Kindle and I will attach your blog post on my Facebook - personal and author page. I have 3rd stage Lyme disease, so I know somewhat of what Sandi suffers. There's always a chance of cancer developing with Lyme. It's a frightening thing. In fact, many MS patients have Lyme induced Ms and, as I said, it can develop into cancer in the brain. I pray God's grace will abound in Sandi and her family's life!
lr. mullin at live. com
If you need anything or want to chat, email me.
Thanks so much, everybody, for your comments!
Linnette, I pray God will heal you of the Lyme disease! He is always faithful.
And yes, the ACFW book club discussion of my book is over. But after you read it, I'd love to hear what you think! You can contact me through my website, www.melaniedickerson.com. God's blessings on you!
Thanks, Melanie! I'll do that! I'll also post a review on Goodreads.
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