Sunday, March 06, 2011

Attention Booksellers and Librarians!

Judges are needed for the Carol Awards, sponsored by American Christian Fiction Writers (ACFW). Here is the official call:

*ACFW's 2011 Carol Awards are actively recruiting librarians and booksellers
who are interested in judging the best in Christian fiction for the year
2010. If you are, or know of, a bookseller or librarian, who would be
interested, please contact Mindy Obenhaus at

So if you are a librarian or a bookseller and you enjoy Christian fiction, please email Mindy at the above address. It means FREE books, and what's better than that?


Melanie Dickerson said...

In case anyone is trying to email me through my website, it's temporarily not working. You can just leave me a message and your email address here in the blog comments and I will email you.

Britni said...


I just came upon your blog (loved The Healer's Apprentice!) and read about being a Christian Fiction judge. I am one of the librarians at my church, and was wondering if it is too late to apply to being a judge? If so, I can send my email address to you! Please let me know : ) God bless!

Melanie Dickerson said...

Hi, Britni! I'm not sure, but it's probably not too late! You can either send me your email address at melanie at melaniedickerson dot com, or email the contest coordinator directly,, or leave your email address here in the comments.
