In case you haven't heard me screaming and laughing the past three days ...
The Healer's Apprentice is a Christy Award finalist!!!
Here's the whole list of finalists from the Christy Awards website:
Contemporary Romance/
Blood Ransom
by Lisa Harris (Zondervan)
by Kristin Heitzmann (WaterBrook Press)
Sworn to Protect
by DiAnn Mills (Tyndale House Publishers)
Contemporary Series, Sequels, and Novellas/
The Reluctant Prophet
by Nancy Rue (David C. Cook)
The Thorn
by Beverly Lewis (Bethany House Publishers,
a division of Baker Publishing Group)
The Waiting
by Suzanne Woods Fisher (Revell Books,
a division of Baker Publishing Group)
Contemporary Standalone/
Almost Heaven
by Chris Fabry (Tyndale House Publishers)
Lady in Waiting
by Susan Meissner (WaterBrook Press)
A Season of Miracles
by Rusty Whitener (Kregel Publications)
First Novel/
Crossing Oceans
by Gina Holmes (Tyndale House Publishers)
by Anne Elisabeth Stengl (Bethany House Publishers, a division of Baker Publishing Group)
A Season of Miracles
by Rusty Whitener (Kregel Publications)
Chosen: The Lost Diaries of Queen Esther
by Ginger Garrett (David C. Cook)
For Time & Eternity
by Allison Pitman (Tyndale House Publishers)
While We’re Far Apart
by Lynn Austin (Bethany House Publishers,
a division of Baker Publishing Group)
Historical Romance/
The Girl in the Gatehouse
by Julie Klassen (Bethany House, a division of Baker Publishing Group)
She Walks in Beauty
by Siri Mitchell (Bethany House Publishers,
a division of Baker Publishing Group)
Within My Heart
by Tamera Alexander (Bethany House Publishers, a division of Baker Publishing Group)
The Bishop
by Steven James (Revell Books, a division of Baker Publishing Group)
The Bride Collector
by Ted Dekker (Center Street)
by Terri Blackstock (Zondervan)
To Darkness Fled
by Jill Williamson (Marcher Lord Press)
Konig’s Fire
by Marc Schooley (Marcher Lord Press)
The Last Christian
by David Gregory (WaterBrook Press)
Young Adult/
The Charlatan’s Boy
by Jonathan Rogers (WaterBrook Press)
The Healer’s Apprentice
by Melanie Dickerson (Zondervan)
Motorcycles, Sushi, and One
Strange Book
by Nancy Rue (Zondervan)
And if that isn't enough, The Healer's Apprentice is a DOUBLE finalist in the National Readers Choice Awards! Check out the list of all the finalists.
My cup runneth over. It's truly a dream come true to final in the Christy Awards. I've been dreaming about it since I started writing, hoping to get a Christian novel published. I am so honored and feel so blessed. Thank you, God!!!
Congratulations, Melanie! I loved your book and it deserves the praise it's receiving. May God continue to bless your writing ministry!
Congratulations, Melanie! I was delighted to see your name on the list. Must be cool to be there with so many other talented writers.
A Christy nomination on your debut!!! So happy for you, and so well deserved. May this cause your work to reach even more hearts with the message of redemption and God's love.
It's a great book, and well-deserving of the honor :o)
Huge congratulations!!!
I'm so happy for you! BTW, I just saw The Merchant's Daughter on Zondervan's website- I can't wait for it to come out!
I hope your book wins- I know I loved it! Mazel tov!
Thanks, everybody!!! I appreciate you so much!!! God is good.
CONGRATULATIONS!!! I loved the book and I'm so glad you're being recognized for your excellence!
Congratulations, Melanie. I screamed when I saw your name too!!!! I'm so thrilled for you. Can't wait until your next one is out.
Congrats, Melanie!! Very well deserved...it was a fabulous novel! :o)
Thanks so much!!! I'm still pretty excited about it! Especially since I get to go to the awards dinner in July! I'll probably be worried the whole time that everyone is wondering what I'm doing there!
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