Wednesday, April 15, 2015


Welcome to the Christian Fiction Scavenger Hunt! 

I am a part of TEAM PURPLE, and this is Stop #4.  If you get confused, you can go here for the basic rules and instructions.

If you’re just joining us, there are two loops—purple and pink—and they begin at Lisa Bergren’s site and Robin Hatcher’s site for stop #1 for either stream. If you complete either the pink loop or purple loop, you can enter for a Kindle paperwhite and the 17 autographed books from that loop. If you complete BOTH loops, you can enter forthe Grand Prize of a Kindle Fire HDX and ALL 34 autographed books.

The Hunt begins at NOON Mountain time on April 16 and ends at midnight Mountain on April 19, 2015, so you have a long weekend to complete all 34 stops and maximize your chances at all the amazing prizes!

BE SURE to keep track of the clues at the bottom of every post in the loop and the favorite number mentioned. You’ll need those clues to enter for the loop prize and every number mentioned in order to enter for the grand prize.

ALSO, please don’t use Internet Explorer to navigate through the loops. Some web sites won’t show up using IE. Please use Chrome or Firefox!

Without further ado, it’s my pleasure to introduce you to my guest for the Scavenger Hunt, Winnie Griggs. Winnie is a Southern girl--like me!--who writes about Small Towns, Big Hearts, and Amazing Grace! 

Here’s her professional bio:
Winnie Griggs is the award winning author of Historical (and occasionally Contemporary) romances that focus on Small Towns, Big Hearts, Amazing Grace. She enjoys cooking, browsing estate sales and solving puzzles. She is also a list maker, a lover of dragonflies and exotic teas and holds an advanced degree in the art of procrastination.

Here’s the summary of her latest book, Winning the Widow's Heart:

To help his dying sister, Nate Cooper once broke the law—and he's regretted it ever since. Now the ex-con turned saddler hopes for a new beginning in Turnabout, Texas. So when Nate saves a young widow's daughter from imminent harm, he's shocked to be called a hero. 

Single mom Verity Leggett leads a safe life, avoiding danger and excitement at all costs. But her daughter's rescuer Mr. Cooper seems like a perfectly responsible—and handsome—man she can rely on. But when his secrets come to light, will Verity be able to get over his past and see Nate for the caring man he's become? 

When an ex-con falls for a timid widow can he convince her he’s a changed man?

And here’s Winnie's EXCLUSIVE content, that you’ll only find in this hunt!
Winnie says:

"My upcoming May release, Second Chance Hero, is the sixth book in my Texas Grooms series.  I am already near completion on the seventh which will be released in December.  The books are connected through location—they take place in the fictional town of Turnabout, Texas—and the community of people who live there.

"As you might imagine, after seven books, it’s getting more and more difficult to keep up with all the details of the books that came before.  Three books back, I drew up a town map so I could keep up with where all the buildings and landmarks are so I don’t inadvertently move them around in subsequent books.  (It you want to get a look at it, you can find it at this link

"But just as important as keeping up with the physical town layout, I need to keep track of all the people who’ve earned their happily ever after in those earlier books.  After all, life goes on for them – they have children, participate in community events, continue with their careers – and this needs to be reflected as I write the new stories in the series.  I’ve tried to keep it all straight with spreadsheets, but I needed something more of the ‘at a glance’ variety.  So just yesterday I I created a chart of all the main characters and pertinent dates—birth, marriages, etc.  I haven’t made this one public yet, it’s still on a private web page, but if you’d like a sneak peek, here’s the link

"I’m thinking that next I’m going to chart out the key secondary characters and maybe even pets that have been featured prominently.  What do you think – are there any of these sorts of charts that are of interest to readers?  If so, what other kind of info would you find interesting or helpful?"  

You can purchase Winnie's book, Second Chance Hero, at these retailers:  
Barnes and Noble   


Thanks for stopping by on the hunt! Before you go, make sure you WRITE DOWN THESE CLUES:
Secret Word(s): the book 
Secret Number: 3, a number I chose because I was born on the 3rd.

Got ‘em down?? Great! Your next stop is # 5, Winnie Griggs’s site. Click on over there now. And if you get lost, a complete list of the loop with links can be found at our mother host, Lisa Bergren’s site

I am giving away a paperback set of all 5 of my Medieval romances - The Healer's Apprentice, The Merchant's Daughter, The Fairest Beauty, The Captive Maiden, and The Princess Spy. All you have to do is sign up for my new newsletter. The sign-up is at the TOP RIGHT of this page, and then leave me a comment on this blog post saying you signed up. I will email you if you win. Thanks!


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Melanie Dickerson said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Joy said...

It is Thursday afternoon here in Australia, and I will probably be very busy on the weekend, so does my comment qualify? :)

I am really excited to read your medieval romances, Ms. Dickerson! :)

Becky Dempsey said...

I subscribed to your newsletter. I love your books :)

Gail H. said...

I subscribed!

Anonymous said...

I subscribed!

Lilian said...

I subscribed!!

Meroc Wolfslayer said...

Thank you for the opportunity to possibly win your books.

I subscribed!

Melanie Dickerson said...

Thanks for signing up for my newsletter! Good luck in the drawings!!!

Britney Adams said...

Thank you so much for participating in the Scavenger Hunt and offering this wonderful giveaway!

I subscribed to your newsletter!

Abby B said...

I subscribed!!

Unknown said...

I subsribed!

Vicky said...

I subscribed!

dogmiss said...

Your books look interesting. I'm adding them to my Pinterest board. I also subscribed to your newsletter.

Unknown said...

I believe I subscribed. I am still waiting on the confirmation link. My daughters love your books.

tara said...

I'm subscribed!!! I am new to your books, and so excited to read all of them... I just got The Fairest Beauty at the library this past weekend :)

Susan P said...

I have subscribed! Thanks for being in the hunt. :)

Unknown said...

I believe I already am subscribed..:D

Unknown said...


Beth Gillihan said...

I subscribed

Unknown said...

I signed up. Looking forward to receiving the newsletter

Shantelle Mary said...

Ah, I love your books and this is so exciting!! :-D

I signed up for your email newsletter.

Thanks for the opportunity! Blessings! :-)

Unknown said...

I'm already subscribed. :) This looks really cool! I love that you've been involved in so many giveaways and fun posts lately!

Roses said...

I subscribed to your newsletter. Thanks for being a part of the hunt.

Sarah said...

I subscribed -- how fun! Thank you for the opportunity. :)

Lindsey Z. said...

I somehow wasn't already subscribed, so I just did! :)

Kira Thomas said...

I subscribed! :)

SmithMom said...

Loved Healer's Apprenctice. Look forward to more of your work.

MeezCarrie said...

I love your books so much - just did a review on my blog of The Princess Spy!

Oh... and I subscribed to your newsletter :)

Emily K said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Emily K said...

I love these scavenger hunts! So much fun! I subscribed to your emailing list, if I wasn't subscribed already, since I love your books so much. Thank you for the giveaway.

Vanessa said...

I will be looking for some of your books this weekend when I go shopping! Can't wait to read them. I subscribed to your newsletter!

Natasha R said...

I subscribed! I can't wait to read your books! I'll definitely be keeping an eye out for them in the bookstore!!!

Anonymous said...

I subscribed. Thank you for the chance!

Anonymous said...

I signed up. Would love to read your books.

afriend at netcommander dot com

Anonymous said...

I subscribed! Thanks so much for doing this!
-Brandy (

Patricia M said...

I subscribed to your newsletter!

Unknown said...

I have subscribed:)

Anonymous said...

I signed up for your newsletter.

Unknown said...


Caryl Kane said...

I subscribed! I am looking forward to reading your books. Thank you for the opportunity.

Gretchen B. said...

I enjoy your books and so I was happy to subscribe! A chance to win your books would be awesome. This scavenger hunt is a lot of fun and I am "meeting" new authors!

Lynda E. said...

I subscribed--thanks for the bonus giveaway!

thinkscrap said...

I'm signing up. I definitely want to keep tabs on you as I think my daughters would be interested in reading your books =)

Unknown said...

I signed up. Thanks for the chance to win.

Anonymous said...

i signed up!!! thanks for the chance to win:)

Christin Smith said...

I most definitely subscribed!!

Unknown said...

I love medieval tales, so of course I subscribed. Thanks for the chance!

Anonymous said...

I subscribed!! Can't wait to read Huntress! Suzie W

Barbara H. said...

I signed up! I've read two of your books and would love to read the rest.

Adriene said...

I subscribed!

Unknown said...

I signed up! I LOVE THE PRINCESS SPY! :D Reminds me of myself a bit;)

Chris K said...

I signed up.

Chris K said...

I signed up!!

Books Are Sanity!!! said...

I love all of your books, they are amazing, as are you! I am subscribed :)

Unknown said...

I've subscribed!

By the way, the cover for "The Golden Braid" looks absolutely beautiful. I can't wait to read it! :)

Unknown said...

Just subscribed! Can't wait to read all of your books!

Witchy Woman said...

Hi Melanie, I subscribed! :)

Dom said...

I signed up. Whoever wins the giveaway will be a lucky duck indeed.

Elizabeth said...

I signed up :-)

abbie said...

I signed up & look forward to reading your work for the first time.

Dana MIchael said...

This is so exciting! I subscribed to your newsletter!!

Megan @ Inspired by Fiction said...

I subscribed!

Unknown said...

I subscribed!

Allen and Tabetha said...

I subscribed to your newsletter! Your books sound wonderful! I cannot wait to read them!

Anonymous said...

I subscribed--And I've loved your books that I've read! Hope to read more soon!

Kayla said...

I subscribed--And I've loved your books that I've read! Hope to read more soon!

Mackenzie Carol said...

I subscribed! I absolutely LOVE your books!!! I haven't been able to put them down!!!!

Unknown said...


I would LOVE to win your books to read!!

I just subscribed to your newsletter, so please toss me in the drawing, too!

Kelly G. said...

I subscribed!

GrandaddyA said...

I signed up for your newsletter.

Anonymous said...

I signed up for the newsletter too! Thank you for the contest!

Bri Kae

Pam said...

I subscribed!

Heidi Reads... said...

Signed up! Thanks for the great giveaway!!!

Pam said...

I subscribed!

Beth C. said...

I signed up!

Unknown said...

I signed up. Thanks for the giveaway!

Emily McClure said...

Subscribed! Be blessed!

Joan A said...

Subscribed! Hope to win! jarning67(at)hotmail(dot)com

Loraine Nunley said...

I am subscribed to your newsletter. Thanks for the giveaway!

Candlesflicker said...

Signed up for your newsletter. Thanks for participating in this scavenger hunt.

Angi said...

Hi Melanie! I just subscribed to your newsletter. Love your books and can't wait to hear what you have going on next. Thanks for being a part of the Scavenger Hunt! :)

Susan said...

I signed up!

Mary Koester said...

Signed up. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

I signed up for your newsletter. I'd love to read your books!

Angel said...

I subscribed, but haven't received the confirmation e-mail yet...

Unknown said...

I signed up too!!? My daughter and I are looking forward to reading your books!! THANK YOU for taking the time and effort to write them for us to enjoy!!!

Unknown said...

I subscribed! Excited to read some of your titles!

Wilani Wahl said...

I subscribed

Anonymous said...

I subscribed! I love all of your books!

Mary C said...

I so enjoy reading those books. I've signed up for your newsletter. thank you :)

Anonymous said...

I subscribed to your email! Looking forward to reading your books! :)

Maria said...

I subscribed!

Rosa said...

I signed up for your email list and I love your books so much! You write the best fairy tale re-tellings.

Unknown said...

I subscribed.

Claire said...

I subscribed--thank you for the opportunity to win!

Pam said...

I've been subscribed to your newsletter for awhile; I hope that still counts! I love your books.

Anonymous said...


Meagan said...

I subscribed!

Dana Black said...

I signed up! And I'm looking forward to reading your newest books! :)

Suziemotocross said...

I subscribed! Thanks for the chance to win!

Unknown said...

I subscribed!

JenniferB said...

I subscribed! 😃

Unknown said...

I'm subscribed! Thanks for the opportunity to win! :)

Adrienne said...

I subscribed! I'm glad the scavenger hunt introduced me to you. I look forward to reading your books!

margie said...

Having a wonderful time...thanks to all of you who took time out from your busy schedules to stage this event for your readers!!!!

Amanda said...

I subscribed!

Unknown said...

I subscribed to your newsletter! Thank you.

Unknown said...

I signed up for your newsletter! I can't wait to read some of your books! :)

Trixi said...

I've discovered I'd already signed up for your newsletter...yay! Am having fun on this scavenger hunt! I've read such good comments on your books, can't wait to read them for myself...thank you for the chance to win some!

Emilee Douglas said...

I entered.

HattoriKid said...

I've subscribed! It was great to find out about your books, I can't wait to read them... but first I have to choose which to read!

Anonymous said...

I can't believed I haven't subscribed until now!! I'm reading "The Huntress of Thornbeck Forest" right now and am loving it!! It is, in my opinion, your best book yet!

Rachel said...

I subscribed! I'm looking forward to reading your books :)

Toys Story said...

I subscribed! These books look great! :)

Unknown said...

I subscribed!

Unknown said...

I Subscribed! :)

Trueheart said...

I subscribed... I have been wanting to read these books for some time. I would be so happy to receive your Medieval Romance Fairy Tales.

Sarah said...

I subscribed! I love your books - especially your retelling of Beauty and the Beast!

Sarah K.

Anonymous said...

I subscribed. I really enjoy your books.

Stephanie H. said...

I signed up for your newsletter!

Becky Day said...

I subscribed!

Joy said...

Just to confirm, I subscribed to your newsletter :).

Susan C said...

I am loving this scavenger hunt! I signed up for your newsletter.

Unknown said...

Subscribed! Surprised I hadn't before! I love your books!! Read most of them( Except for Princess Spy)! Captive Maiden is my favorite so far :D

Renee said...

I subscribed! Thank you for taking the time to write. Your books are wonderful.

Kim F said...

I have signed up for your newsletter. Thanks!

A said...

I subscribed!!

Linda B said...

I subscribed.

Tracie Moore said...

I subscribed! Thank you very much for this opportunity! I look forward to reading some of your books!

Chris B said...

I subscribed! Thanks for the opportunity! I love your books!!!

Unknown said...

I subscribed! :)

Tricia said...

Thank you for being part of this hunt. I love finding new authors to read. I have signed up for your newsletter. Thank you for the chance to win your book too.

In Kind Regards,

Lynne said...

I subscribed

Unknown said...

I subscribed! :)

Llinda N. said...


J Smith said...

I signed up...thank you for the chance to win that great package, too!

Trish said...

I subscribed to your newsletter.

Jenni said...

Subscribed. Always a delight to discover a new-to-me author :)

Between the Pages with Katrina said...


Anonymous said...


Bethany Baldwin said...

I subscribed! Your books are wonderful! :D

Unknown said...

I signed up and am appalled I haven't previously read your books!

Unknown said...

I signed up

Amy said...

I subscribed! Thanks for the chance!

Virginia Burford said...

I signed up! I love your stories and this series. I can't wait to read the story!

Tina Harlow said...

I subscribed!!!

Jaime said...

I am subscribed :)

MeganW. said...

I subscribed! :)

Anonymous said...

I subscribed! Can't wait to read The Huntress!!!
- Trisha Robertson

Elizabeth said...

I subscribed to your newsletter

Andrea said...

I subscribed!

andrea2russia (at) hotmail (dot) com

Robbie said...

I signed up to your email letter. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

I subscribed

NatureFairy said...

I signed up for your newsletter.

time4us2havetea (at) yahoo (dot) com

Joy said...

I subscribed! I LOVE your books, and I can't wait to read The Huntress. It sounds fantastic! Thanks for hosting!

Anonymous said...

Subscribed! Love your books!

Hannah V said...

I subscribed!

Unknown said...

I subscribed! Thanks for participating in this fun event!

Melmanro said...

I subscribed! And I, too, am a north Alabama girl!!

Sparks of Ember said...

Already signed up!

Wildfiregypsy said...

I truly love all of the fairy tales, would love the chance to get to read them and share them with the local community library.

I subscribed.

Susan Johnson said...

I subscribed.

Debbie T. said...

Thanks so much for the opportunity. I am looking forward to getting to know you and your books.

Unknown said...

I subscribed. Thank you for sponsoring a stop on the scavenger hunt and for a chance to win! :)

Jaina said...

I subscribed! Thank you so much for participating in this awesome scavenger hunt.

Beth said...

I subscribed.

Teresa Kander said... the scavenger hunt idea!

Deb Kastner said...

I subscribed. Always enjoy author newsletters.

Cara Grandle said...

I think my daughters will love this series. I taught them to love reading and now I can barely keep up. I subscribed.

Samantha said...

I signed up! :)

Tanya said...

I subscribed! Thanks for the fun giveaway!!!

Jennifer said...

I have signed up to receive your lovely email! jenny

Unknown said...

Subscribed! :)

Julie said...

I subscribed! Love your books!!!

Angela - Bookaunt said...

I am subscribed to your newsletter

CentralEast2 said...

I subscribed.

Laura W AKA Loves 2 Read Romance said...

I subscribed to your newsletter!

Anonymous said...


Debbie Wilder said...

I signed up for your newsletter. Your Medieval romances sound fabulous to me. I've never read any of your books. But I am really looking forward to reading all of them.

Angie Carroll said...

I signed up!

Anonymous said...

I subscribed.
Thanks for the hunt and the prizes.
good luck to everyone and God's blessings to all!

Anonymous said...

Melanie, I just submitted as anonymous because it wouldn't let me any other way!
This is Robbie Pink.
(Oh, I subscribed!)

Anonymous said...

I just subscribed. I wanted to let you know that I have loved every one of your books!
Michelle Crandall

Anonymous said...

I subscribed!

Heather Ward

Anonymous said...

I signed up. These sound good.

Anonymous said...

i signed up - your books sound great!

Shantae said...

I subscribed!!!! :)

Tricia Mingerink said...

I subscribed! I love your books so much!

mw said...

I really enjoy your books. Great stories that suck you in.

Anonymous said...

I signed up!
~Charis Z.

Naomi Downing said...

I (at least tried) to subscribe! I say tried because I'm not sure if it worked... :-) My mom and one of my sisters really like your books, though.

Joy said...

I subscribed! :)

Kelly Blackwell @ Heres My Take On It said...

Thank you so much for the chance! I've signed up for your newsletter. :)

Cactus Patch Stories said...

I subscribed :)

Barbara said...

i have subscribed to you newsletter

Amaris Gonzalez said...

I subscribed to the newsletter and I love your books!!!

Unknown said...

I am all signed up to receive your news letter

shirley said...

I signed up but I think I was already signed up for your newsletter. Thank you for being a part of the "hunt". I love the Scavenger Hunt and so look forward to them.

ginalperk2011 said...

Just signed up! Thank you!

Brooke @ i blog 4 books said...

What a fun post! I just subscribed.

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